Halloween Update

Greetings, dungeoneers! Pug here with our first-ever Halloween-themed update!

We did have plans to release one last year, wrote a quest, and designed some monsters for it. But it was a bit too morbid for what we're generally going for with Fur Quests.

So this year, we redesigned our beasties and rewrote some of the lore to fit better the feel we are going for with the game.

And best of all, all of today's content is entirely free and open for everyone to experience in the demo. Think of that as a special little treat from us.

Now, the trick is that we didn't have time to implement all the things we wanted. The new quest could use some additional polish, and we were going to add a few more lore books to the Library.

So, as an additional little treat, we'll be releasing an additional update next week with the missing content and extra polish, so look forward to that. ^^

Until then, be sure to check out our Patreon and Subscribestar for an exciting Backer-exclusive update tomorrow/later on today (sorry about the delay.) 

We have great plans in store for Fur Quests, which are only possible thanks to our generous supporters over at Patreon and Subscribestar.

So, from the bottom of our hearts, we would like to say thank you and have a happy Halloween! 


Fur Quests Windows Prototype 638 MB
Oct 13, 2023

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