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what fetishes are in the game?

is there a walkthrough for the current build?

Not to my awareness, no.

(3 edits) (-4)

For a game with Dating sim, and romance, it sure doesnt have a lot of it. And even worse you are hardly rewarded for it with scenes. Maybe corruption and NTR would be a more appropriate pair of tags. Pretty dissapointing game

(2 edits)

Sorry that you feel that way.

We do plan on adding more romance-oriented content at a later time when the game is in a more complete state. As it is, we're mainly using it for playtesting, which is why it is labeled as a prototype.


hello! Is this game has pregnancy mechanic?


There is story content for that yes.
No real mechanic yet, but we are working on it. ^^


I see, may I know which character I can proceed to this story content?


Melia, Celine and Karna all have stories that leads up to them becoming pregnant. But right now its just set up to be fleshed out later.


I see, thank you for your reply!


Does the romance options with any of the main characters do anything at the moment?

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At the moment, going on dates with your companions will help improve your stats and unlock new skills/spells.

In terms of erotic options, Morrigan is the most fleshed out. Depending on what you say to her, you have some unique scenes/choices that aren't otherwise available to you. Tera also has a few scenes attached to her storylines, but there isn't anything for Celine just yet, as hers is intended to be more of a slow-burn romance.

The dating system currently in the game was mainly put there for testing purposes and will be revamped in the coming days when we focus on polishing up the old content


Hm. I must've missed something. Morrigan is who I went for, and only saw the one scene. Though I feel like I broke something in the game, cause I saw Tera also asked the dating question and I said yes to see what would happen. I thing it canceled each other out?

Possibly! I'll be sure to look into that.

Branching story paths can be a bit of a pain like that, but practice makes perfect.


Are there any plans to put out a new Demo / Beta version of the Game?

The current demo has been out for a while and at present has failed to draw any meaningful financial backing, which I think might in turn make other future supporters more likely to shy away.

I think that a new playable demo that lets you start at level 1 and interact with the game, it's mechanics and the characters that populate it's world from a more ground up perspective could be better received and more beneficial for yourselves financially.

At present the demo takes place in a disjointed map away from any series story markers, cities, interesting questlines or meaningful dialogue which I feel probably makes it hard for players to feel invested in the game that you are creating.

Also the current demo starts with 1 of the main girls being gangbanged by a bunch of goblins, (Not trying to shame fans of NTR/Cuckolding/Sharing) but that type of content is one that you either love or hate and immediately turns off a lot people from wanting to play your game.

If the purpose of the game is for it be based around NTR/ Cuckolding then don't let me disuade you from making the game that you want to make, however based on the comments you've left in this very thread it doesn't seem like that is your intention for the game, and I do understand that it is skippable, but it is also the first scene in the game and likely is the thing that most people who play the demo at present remember.

(I think that there is a reason why most negative reviews focus on that scene) and I think if you are looking for better backing financially then that first impression is the most important, and I fear that you may have made a significant mis-play with how you are chosing to market the game at the moment and that perhaps if the game isn't intended to be NTR, then that type of content shouldn't be at the front of the game demo.

I hope that you see this comment in the well meaning, positive light that it was written and perhaps you might even take my suggestions on board.


Thank you for the feedback! Constructive criticism is welcomed, as it allows us to shape our game into something that our community can and will enjoy! The demo game was intended to see what works and also to give the players a taste of what is to come. Our original idea was always to add another section to start off the game, which is why it begins with a banner declaring this as chapter 2 (admittedly a source of confusion) because this part of the game was intended to be set after your call to adventure. 

The plan was that the player would start off in an elven city where they would be introduced to a whole different set of characters before the inciting incident that led you to the start of this demo. However, we understand that a more immediate change may well be for the better! Save for a few minor changes and rewriting, another focus we have undertaken is experimenting with social systems and branching paths that would help add a more immersive experience to both.

Thus, changing the intro around will be a bit more time-consuming as we are currently learning to use the Bakin 3D engine. Thus, our time is shared with the RPG Maker Demo, as we still wish to flesh it out and make it stand out on its own. 

It is as you say, however, first impressions are important! And I believe you make a good point, and the scene might well be better served by moving it to another place and time in the story. Thus, we will make this a priority for this month.

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Is this still primarily a cuckold game for the MC? Looking at the twitter it looks like the last scene added was a gangbang, with a gril and a bunch of dudes (Can't be the MC with a bunch of girls since the devs hate him). I see why you dont have more patreons 

Theres a reason games the popular games dont focus on NTR and instead the MC. Look at STS and The Genesis Order. At this rate you will never make it full time because the game is UNPLAYABLE for most playing for the MC. Whys it so hard to just make the next 10 or so scene for the MC so he at least has an acceptable amount of content for most people? 


The MC Septim Supreme is the center of the majority of the scenes currently in the game, as well as the last three illustrated scenes added to it, with plenty more in the works.

And if it's more than one girl you want, there are two options for that currently in the game, with another on the way.

All of the voyeur elements are limited to the player's choice or the nymphomania game over scenes, which we can certainly change to another togglable option for the next update.


What if I'm a more free spirited person? (also is nymphomania version limited to subscribers/patreon?) By "free spirited" I actually like watching the other girls do others, or rather, I think if I am gonna sleep around and stuff, why can't they? I mean some actual cuckcolding scenes would be pretty hot, but it sounds like that's only for game overs (hate that btw, it sucks when content you want to see is tied behind a game over, which frequently happens to femdom as well). 
Can you know, be chill with the love interests doing their own thing to whatever degree you're just letting them be free? I mean if I didn't want them to sleep around, I'd be taking care of them myself, just saying...


I completely agree with that.

Allowing the companions to have their own agency and fun beyond the main character opens up the chance for a lot of creative writing. There are a few scenes currently like that in the game, but most of it is still experimental as we get a grasp of a creative process that works for us. Morrigan, for example, has a few options currently in the game where you can encourage her to have fun with others. At the same time, someone like Tera is a bit more hesitant about the idea, and then there is Celine, who is much more of a traditional romantic. 

Sex positivity is a big goal for us, which means exploring many facets and preferences for the player and the characters alike in the game.

We do plan on adding more options like that in the future, and most of this content will be available in the base game. 

The Nymphomania mode, as the name implies, merely dials some of the lewd options into overdrive and leaves plot and characterization behind for the sake of some good old-fashioned smut. (and play testing in this early stage of development)

Ultimately, it is impossible to please everyone, so our focus is simply to create scenes and characters that we feel would make for an exciting and compelling addition to the game.

Any plans for Android compatibility?

Yes! That is definetly something we want to try out in the future.

Just finished the demo and I loved it! The design is really good and I will definitely purchase when the game is finished.


I am happy you liked it. ^^

It will probably be some time before the game is finished. Got grand plans in mind for it, thank you for your support. :)


Author can you please say in your game its possible for mc have kids with furry girls? Like can we see how mc kids gonna be look like?

will this ever be on Mac? or on browser for that matter

Certainly. We have actually tried to release a Mac version in the past. But at the moment none of us own a Mac device, which meant we couldn't test the game for ourselves.

We also experimented with a browser version, but couldn't get it to work at the time, but we are more than happy to give it another shot in the future.


Don't suppose there is a way to change the pc's name?


Not at the moment. But we do have plans of implimenting it for the finished game.

when the game is complete will the nymphomania mode  be available for non-patreon user?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, once it is done, the whole game, and all of its content will be avalible for free.

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Whys the Main Character so ugly? 


love what iv played so morrigan is just wow so far easily my favourite character cant wait to see what else you have in store

Thanks, we have a lot of exciting stuff planned for the future. ^^

As for Morrigan, well she got six expressive character sprites made of her so far. So you'll be able to see alot more of her soon. ;)

Is there a way to download older versions?

I am afraid not.

We never figured there would be much interest in older versions.
But we can certainly keep up older builds in the future if that is something people want.


Feels like this game is 90% Nymphomani content at this point. People trying the demo are going to think this game has nothing in it and go away. Plus the MC only got one proper scene this update? Really?


The majority of content will be publicly available when it is ready, including the non-NSFW content and the upcoming Nymphomania content: When the writing is done, the systems are in place, and all of the scenes have been illustrated, as was the case with the "Feline Friends" questline. Each segment of the game takes time and hard work, and we are doing our all to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible before release. Naturally, this means that the people trying the demo will have to be patient and understanding as we work on making Fur Quests live up to its expectations.

Sadly we are still unable to work on the game full time, but we do what we can with the time that we have. Rest assured that there are more scenes coming for the MC. But drawing and bug fixing takes time

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I noticed you've posted before, also a negative comment, about a month ago.  I think the main thing you should be focusing on is that this is still a demo, and not even really 'early access'. If you're not enjoying it as it is right now, then wait until the demo has been out for longer, and try again later instead of risking coming across as arrogant and supercilious. There is nothing keeping you from trying each and every update if you're not content with the content, so to speak.  While I'm sure constructive criticism is appreciated, these comments you're leaving come across as more destructive or negative criticism. Though that comes from an outsider's perspective. Take it as you will. 

TLDR: If you're not happy with it, leave constructive criticism, instead of using sass and cockiness as a means to display your disapproval. 


Next to no action for the mc and he can't even bang his own party who are massive sluts anyway. wtf is this?

(2 edits)

A working progress.

The currently available map takes place in an entirely optional part of the game to help show off our work. 

Which is also why they are very quick to the action in some sense. The writing for many of the stories and the characters just isn't finished. There are a few scenes without any narration or build-up because we just haven't gotten to them yet.

We thought it could be fun to give the girls some choices down a few side quests, but we always made them optional if the player did not want to share with anyone else.

But the main character will have a lot more focus in the future, especially when it comes to the main quests.

Are you supposed to start at Lvl 20? And it is supposed to jump to Chapter 2 once you leave the area with tents at the very start? Also, you're supposedly alone because everyone left for the caves, but then everyone is in your party?


Yes indeed!

The game is very much in its early days of development.

The prologue and chapter 1 have not been added yet, so instead, you start off on chapter 2 at level 20.

The same goes with people being in your party. Our intentions are for you to be alone at this stage, but since this currently serves as the start of the game, we wanted to avoid early game frustration for people unfamiliar with the combat system and keep the party in there as a crutch for the player.

Ok cool, good to know. Thank you

Happy to help. ^^

Hey, uh...I don't know how to open this game, because it's flash or (I am stupid :c)

Click on the folder that says "Fur Quests"  then find "Game.exe" in that file location and double click


"Adobe reader could not open 'Fur Quest Windows Alpha' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file is damaged"

(2 edits)

Hmmm... Strange.

Just downloaded it and tried it for ourselves without issue. 

Have you tried downloading it again or unpacking it with another program like winzip?

16 gb of ram are enough for play this game?

I'd hope so! XD

Do let me know if it is not.

idk, my pc come into 2 days

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Despite a few bugs during play I enjoyed this game and have thrown a few bucks your way on patreon.  But on the matter of features do you plan on having a gallery / some way of telling how many of the scenes an individual has unlocked and how many they have yet to see? I know as a completionist's and an art connoisseur Id be elated.

Thank you very much for your contribution! ^^

Out of curiosity what bugs did you encounter? We'd like to see if it isn't something we can patch up for next weeks update.

As for the gallery, yes we would like to add that! We just aren't sure how just yet. A lot of this early stage in development is simply getting our heads around the program. XD

Good to hear. As for bugs

- When you are going to rescue the succubus The dialogue for the brute at the front gate repeats once you kill him so you can fight him again although it does t repeat after the second fight.

- The Item called “Hp Halver All” doesn’t half hp it just straight up kills all enemies which is fine if that was its intended purpose but the item tool tip doesn’t reflect that as it says “reduces enemy’s hp by 50%”


Oh dear, how did you get a hold on the HP halver? That isn't meant to be in the game at all. XD
There has been a serious mistake here.

(2 edits)

You might want to take the demo down then as well if that was a mistake. As I’m pretty sure there’s other items you may have not intended in the files such as a license agreement with Visus. All I did was open the game tho and the Hp half’s were there with a bunch of phonix downs and Hi potions in the inventory. I’m guessing the Motus Blade may have been an accident as well then

Removed the license agreement and just moved Visustella under the credits, thanks for the notice. ^^

The rest is very much intended though. The demo starts off in the middle of the story of Fur Quests so realistically you should have some items at this point and we wanted to go easy on new players.

The Mortus Blade is broken but it is also a small little reward for doing Melia's quest line and in so doing getting past the hardest boss in the game.

Still haven't found where the HP halver is though. -.-

But I shall keep looking! Thank you very much for your help.

Deleted 262 days ago

I am not sure what you meant with GOR.

But if you are asking if the scenes are only with the main character it is a mix of both. It mainly follows the players perspective, but there are a few scenes where it focus on others perspective. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Ah! Yes, those parts come after the battle, not during.

Thats against patreon TOS, maybe you just focus on the MC

Deleted 2 years ago

Author can you please say in your game gonna be impregnation and pregnancy?And can we able to see how the kids gonna be look like.Very interesting to see how mc kids with each furry gilr gonna be look like

There is already scenes of impregnation of the current build of the demo, so you're set there. ^^ And there are already more of that type of content planned for the future.

Pregnancy could be set as a state of girls


Possibly! We do plan to have it be a variable in the final game to affect certain encounters. But a state would be a bit more persistent, this is true.

Btw,what’s the use of your wip 3D models?

None just yet. But we plan on converting them to playable sprites for the characters in the future.

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The android game dowload doesnt work

Same here, it's supposedly Android, but the file says Ios (iOS I think)

That is because MZ extract games for android/ios/webbrowsers.

Not exactly sure what went wrong here.
Did you get any specific error message?

Yes, at first i tried to use my phones default rar. extractor, it simply said "Couldn't Extract."
So i installed a rar. app, tried from there, and it worked... but for the life of me i cannot find the executable, this may ABSOLUTLY be on me, but still. I'll download the same file to my pc and see if i find it there.

Thanks for the report. I'll try to have a look at it later today.


One question: is there impregnation?


One answer: YES!!!